Pope Francis declared that a Year of Consecrated Life be celebrated from November 30, 2014 until February 2, 2016 throughout the world. The Diocese of Tangshan also takes this as an opportunity to promote and develop evangelization and pastoral work of the diocese.
On February 3, joined by all the priests, nuns, seminarians, and many Catholics of diocese, an opening mass of the Year of Consecrated Life was celebrated by Bishopa Fang Jianping in the Cathedral of Tangshan.
The diocese of Tang also invited Fr. Du Shangwu, who is from the Diocese of Ji Lin to lead an entitled "the Consecrated Life" retreat for all priests from February 3 to 5.
From February 6 to 7, they also had a plenary meeting of all the diocesan priests to discuss the pastoral affairs of the diocese.
And the diocese invited all the faithful to pray for those who are living in religious life, and may the Holy Spirit lead them, and so by a brand new life attitude of “Gospel,Prophecy,Hope” , they may wake up the world.

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