During the Spring Festival this year, in order to improve the quality of the majority of Catholics in the faith, the diocese of Haimen and all the parishes in the diocese began to plan and holding a rich variety of learning and training activities.
The Sacred Heart Parish of Haimen, NanYang Parish, and XiShi Parish of Qidong together staged a family concert of hymns on the first day of Chinese New Year.
From the fourth day to sixth day of the New Year, the diocese held a three-day program of the 6th Marriage Encounter for Catholic couples.
From the eighth to the twelfth day, the diocese started the second training course of Missiology, and more than 40 catechists come to study this course at Diocesan Training Center. The diocese also invited Fr. Zhu jinlong from the diocese of Yichang of Hubei province to give them lessons.
Langshan Parish began an activity of Eucharistic Adoration, and St. Joseph Church of Bingfang , Rudong gave a spiritual retreat for the parishioners.
These activities enhance the cohesion of the parish and the missionary zeal of the faithful, and lay the foundation for doing the pastoral work and evangelization.

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