On July 1, 2015, the Seminar on Democratic Management of the Chinese Catholic Church which organized by CCPA&BCCCC, was held in Yantai of Shandong province. There were more than fifty people, including fifteen bishops, seven priests, a nun, thirteen Catholics nationwide attending the seminar.
The opening ceremony was chaired by Bishop Ma Yinglin, the bishop of Kunming Diocese and the president of BCCCC. Bishop Fang Xingyao, the bishop of Linyi Diocese and the chairman of CCPA gave an opening statement at the seminar. Chen Zongrong, the deputy director general of State Administration for Religious Affairs of P.R.C. delivered an important speech. Ma Wenyi, head of the office of religious affairs of Shandong Province, on behalf of the United Front Work Department and Administration for Religious Affairs Of of the Shandong Province, and Song Weining, the vice mayor of Yantai City, on behalf of Yantai City Government, gave speeches of welcoming the participants. Guo Wei and Wang Tao from State Administration for Religious Affairs, Wang Zhigang from United Front Department, Yue Fuqiang from Ethnic Affairs Commission of Shandong Province, and Han Qingxin from United Front Work Department of Shandong Province attended the opening ceremony.
After the opening ceremony, there were five discussing sections during which fifty-five people presented their proposals. The seminar was ended in a friendly, lively and harmonious atmosphere. And it achieved the expected result.
The seminar was closed on July 2, and Liu Yuanlong, the vice president of CCPA, presided the closing ceremony. Wang Zhigang, director of Second Division of United Front Work Department, delivered a final speech and forwarded the congratulations which was given by Sun Chunlan, the Minister of United Front Work Department, on the successful holding of the seminar. Bishop Ma Yinglin gave a concluding remark at the end of the seminar.
Some leading members, working staffs of CCPA & BCCCC, bishops from different dioceses, priests and the laity participated the whole seminar.
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