From September 15to 25, 2015, the President of BCCCC, Bishop Ma Ying lin led a delegation which consists of Bishop Yang Xiaoting ,Bishop Zhan Silu, and Fr. Yang Yu to pay a visit to the United States. The delegation was invited by Yale University, the University of Notre Dame, and Loyola University for exchanges on the issues of theological training and education.
During the visit, Bishop Ma YingLin gave two lectures at Yale University and Loyola University on the topic of "Go to the world and preach the Gospel—A Review of the Development of the Catholic Church In China", in which he mostly discussed the situation of the Catholic Church in China in the past and nowadays. After the lectures, the three bishops responded to questions from the public and explained the situations of religions in China. Their explanations made the audiences learn about the facts of the Church in China, improved a mutual understanding, and promoted the policy on freedom of religious belief of Chinese government.
At Seton Hall University in New Jersey and the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, the members of the delegation had several meetings with the university staffs and board and discussed various issues on the subjects of theological education, training program, and pastoral care for the priests, religious and laity, and reached a consensus and idea of cooperation.
At the same time, the delegation also visited Boston College, the St. John’s Seminary, the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers and the Congregation of the Carmelites, and had many discussions and exchanges with the local priests, nuns and catholic groups.
At the end of the visit, the group went on the island of Molokai, and celebrated the Eucharist at St. Damien Church and especially prayed in front of his tomb for the Church in China. Indeed, the island of Molokai was a place for lepers and St. Damien who was a priest of CSHJM has served 800 leprosy patients and their families for his whole life. At the end, he himself has been infected and died there. He was named "the disciple of the lepers" and regarded as a hero of Hawaii.
During the whole visit, the delegation has been to seven states, visited five universities, three religious congregations , twelve churches, and had many discussions with the professionals of the church and university on the issues of theological education, training program for clergy, nun and laity, and pastoral care and preparations. They also introduced the real situations and developments of the Catholic Church in China, showed the positive image of the Chinese Catholic Church, promoted the exchange of the Churches of China and the United States, deepened the mutual understanding of both sides, enhanced friendship, established the cooperation intention and achieved good results.
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