On October 27, 2015, Zhu Weiqun, Director of the Committee for Ethnic and Religious Affairs of the National Committee of the CPPCC, a line of 40 people visited the North Church of Beijing Diocese and had a lecture on religious knowledge.
Bishop Ma Yinglin (President of BCCCC) warmly welcomed the group and presided over this lecture. Bishop Fang Xingyao(President of CCPA) and Mr. Liu Yuanlong (Secretary General of CCPA) accompanied with them. Fr. Zhen Xuebin (Vice Chairman and Chancellor of Beijing Diocese) and Fr. Wang Xuequn were responsible of the reception. Fr. Zhen gave a lecture of some basic knowledge about the Catholic Church, and Fr. Wang introduced the history of the North Church and newly installed pipe organ.
At the end of the lecture, Bishop Ma Yinglin on behalf of CCPA & BCCCC gave the group the newly printed hardcover bibles. They also took a group photo together before they left the Church.

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