On November 10, 2015, Thanksgiving for 20 years of partnership between CCPA/BCCCC & UBS held in National Seminary of Catholic Church in China. The delegation of United Bible society was warmly welcomed by Bishop Ma Yinglin and Bishop Yang Xiaoting.
Cardinal John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan, one of the Global Council Members of UBS, a line of 23 people visited National Seminary and its library, and expressed their best wishes to the works of evangelization and cultivation of seminarians in China.
Thanksgiving ceremony started with singing the song of "Amazing Grace", the whole celebration was presided over by Mr. Liu Yuanlong(Secretary General of CCPA). Bishop Yang Xiaoting on behalf of the Seminary delivered a salutatory oration. Fr. Zhang Qiulin was interpreter.
During the celebration, Bishop Ma Yinglin, the president of BCCCC, Card. John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan, and Mr. Kua Wee Seng, the director of China Partnership of UBS, gave important speeches respectively.
Mr. Liu Bainian( the honorary president of CCPA), Some leading members, and working staffs of CCPA & BCCCC, attended the whole celebration.

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