On November 10, 2015, delegation of Global United Bible Society visited CCPA &BCCCC. They were warmly welcomed by Bishop Fang Xingyao, Bishop Ma Yinglin, Mr. Liu Yuanlong, and Bishop Guo Jincai.
The discussion was presided over by Bishop Fang Xingyao(President of CCPA). The leadership of the CCPA &BCCCC expressed their appreciation to the United Bible Society for more than 20 years co-operation and support of Bible printing with Chinese Catholic Church. Then, on behalf of the delegation of UBS, Cardinal John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan expressed their gratitude for the hospitality of the CCPA and BCCCC.
Bishop Guo Jincai gave a general introduction about the history and pastoral development of the Catholic Church in China. The menders of the delegation were coming from England, the United States, Canada, Ceylon, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Indonesia, Hongkong and Taiwan of China. They introduced their own regional situations and missionary works. For the future they would like to look forward to have more communications and co-operation with the Chinese Catholic Church.
Fr. Yang Yu and the director of Foreign Affairs Office of CCPA and BCCCC attended the meeting.
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