On August 4, 2015, Father Zhang Yinlin was ordained as coadjutor bishop at the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Anyang city.
The ceremony of the ordination was presided over by Bishop Zhang Huaixin of Anyang diocese, and concelebrated by Bishop Shen Bing of Haimen diocese, Bishop Wang Renlei of Xuzhou diocese, and Bishop Yang Yongqiang of Zhoucun diocese. There were 75 priests concelebrating in the ordination Mass, and about 1,500 people, including 120 nuns attended the ceremony. The whole ordination ceremony was solemn, peaceful and well-organized.
The ritual of the ordination was according to “Rules of Election and Ordination of Bishops” of BCCCC. Fr. Yang Yu, the vice secretary general of BCCCC, read the letter of Permits of BCCCC during the ceremony. Bishop Zhang Yinlin made his vow in ceremony. He promised to fulfill his duties by leading his diocesan priests, seminarians, religious and all the Catholics to observe National Constitution, maintain the unity of the country and stability of the society, and contribute all his strength to establish a harmonious and well-off society.
Some officials from CCPA&BCCCC were present and expressed their good wishes to Bishop Zhang during the ceremony. Also, some officials from the United Front Work Department of CCCPC and State Administration for Religious Affairs of P.R.C. were invited to the ceremony.
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